I have been thinking for the past couple of days about
writing a blog but I just didn’t have anything to write about. Today was the
start of General Conference. General Conference happens every 6 months and it
is when the entire 15 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints come together to listen to the leaders of our church. We receive
council and advice from them. They teach us how to be better people. Today I
had the amazing opportunity to attend conference in person at the Conference
Center in downtown Salt Lake City. It was an amazing experience. As we were
walking up to the Conference Center and as we were leaving there were so many
protesters outside calling all of us to repent. What I noticed was that they
were angry at us, but I did not see one person say anything rude back to them.
Nobody yelled at them, nobody argued with them, in fact some even stopped to
listen to what these people had to say. I saw so many members of the church who
just looked like they felt bad for these people, and in fact, I myself couldn’t
help but feel a slight tinge of sadness for these people. There is however one
thing that I would like to address. First you should know a little bit about
what we believe. We believe that there is a living prophet on the earth today
and that there always will be. A lot of people disagree with this and make
statements saying that we have a false prophet. To those people I would pose
the question, if Christ is as unchanging as he says he is and is stated in
Hebrews 13:8 “ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever” then
wouldn’t it make logical since that his church be the same? If there were
prophets and apostles when Christ was alive and even before that then why would
we now not have that? Christ loves all of his children the same. He did not
love the people of biblical times more than he loves us. He saved us for the
last days because we are his strongest soldiers. He would not leave us here
without someone to guide us in the right direction back to him. What would make
one think that one day Christ would just decide that “No more. No more
revelation, no more direction. I’ve changed my mind and they can do it on their
own.”? Christ’s atoning sacrifice had to happen for that specific reason. We
can’t do it on our own. Making our way back to our Heavenly Father is something
that we need help with. We all make mistakes, but that is why Christ suffered,
so that we can still return to live with him after we die. Now obviously we
don’t just get to do whatever we want. If you mess up you have to repent.
Repentance is what gives us power to access the atonement. So the way that our
church is set up is that we have a Prophet. Thomas S. Monson is the prophet
today and he will be until he dies.
Being the prophet is not something that is
voted upon by a group of people but rather a calling from Christ. Everyone
just sort of knows who the next prophet is going to be. It is divine
revelation. Underneath the prophet are his 2 counselors. Underneath those 3
there is the quorum of the 12 Apostles.
This structure comes from the New Testament.
The book of Acts to be exact. Just as there were 12 apostles then there are 12
apostles now. Also, in Ephesians 2:19-20 it talks about how we are not
strangers. We are all one. We are brothers and sisters. Christ’s church was
built around prophets and apostles with Jesus Christ himself being the
cornerstone. Faith in God the Eternal Father and in his son Jesus Christ and in
the Holy Ghost is the first article of faith. The articles of faith basically
explain in a nutshell what we believe. In fact number 6 reads, “We believe in the same
organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets,
pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.” If you want to read the rest of
them you can find them here.
is one more thing that I would like to address tonight. It is a rather simple
one I think. These protestors were also shouting that we are all damned to
hell. I would have to politely disagree. I have a testimony of this gospel. It
is Christ’s gospel. It is the true church. But lets just say for arguments sake
that it is not. Lets say that Joseph Smith was wrong and we are all wrong. I
highly doubt that that would send us all to hell. Latter Day Saints are some of
the most Christian Christians there are. There is nothing in our religion that
teaches anything but love, hope, charity, compassion, service, or any other
good thing. Never are we taught to treat people bad, to do bad things, to treat
our bodies bad, or anything else that would not be in line with any other
Christians moral beliefs. Sure we may have higher moral standards than some
people but I don’t think that is anything to be frowned upon. I highly doubt
that when it comes to judgment day I am going to be standing next to a person
of a different Christian faith and Christ is going to say to me, “ You know
Brooke, you did a lot of good things, but you were just too pure. You didn’t have
to do all of those things you did. You didn’t have to save yourself for
marriage, you didn’t have to be modest, you didn’t have to refrain from
drinking alcohol, and since you didn’t do any of those things, you get to spend
eternity in hell.” I find it hard to believe that living by the gospel standards
is going to sentence me to a life of misery. Even if the church is wrong, which
I will never believe that it is, I think that we will all be just fine.
Even if you are not a member of the church, or if you are a member but you didn't have the opportunity to watch conference today, I would invite you to watch todays sessions as well as tomorrows sessions. You can watch them at lds.org. There are some talks that will change your life regardless of your standpoint on the church.
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