Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Well... I just cried a river.

When I decided to write a blog today at first I had no idea what I was going to write about, but then I remembered back to ward prayer on Sunday and I knew exactly what I need to say. I am probably going to cry as I write this. These past 9 months have gone by so incredibly fast. This year I have met the most amazing people. Tomorrow, some of those people are moving out of Village and I wont see them again for a while. In fact, one of them left today. A lot of the time I don’t actually tell people exactly how much they mean to me, it is something that I need to work on.

Today, my friend Trevor moved back to Vernal. Trevor is a strange cookie, but I love the kid to death. Making him uncomfortable every time I saw him was always fun. Trevor is a good guy and he deserves the best in life. He is kind of shy, but he has the most amazing personality once you get him to open up. So, Trevor, you should know that you mean the world to me and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to get to know you this year. Also, you should know that we will go camping in Vernal this summer. Okay? Okay.
Tomorrow, Josh, Stockton, Rachelle, Brea, and Austyn are all moving out. I am going to miss all of these people so much. I have honestly never cared about someone as much as I care about these people. In high school and such, I had friends and I liked them, but I seriously love these people with all my heart. I would take a bullet for any of them any day.
I want to like write a paragraph about all of them but it may be cheesy… oh well.

Josh is seriously one of the most genuine people I have ever met. I knew that we would be really close the day I first met him and I farted in front of him and he just laughed. Josh is moving to St. George and I am going to miss him so much! I feel like I can tell him anything and he will never judge me for it. Actually, he makes some smart mouth remark about it that is hilarious and makes me forget all about it. Joshy, the last blog I wrote about you was not the nicest but I love you so much! You are great and I am so glad I met you.

Stockton, I don’t even know where to start. Stockton and Josh are kind of a package deal. If you want one the other just kind of comes with.  I am not saying that is a bad thing. These are the only pictures that I have of Stockton. Strange..Stockton is awesome. He means a lot to me. I have had so many little advice sessions with him and he always knows what to say to make me feel better. I am so grateful that I met him. He was so awkward around girls when I first met him because he had only been home from his mission for oh…. A few days. I remember he sat on the opposite end of the couch with his knees tucked to his chest and I sat on the other end. Once he became less awkward he is one of the funniest, most caring, genuine, awesome people that I have ever met. Stockton, I know you say you wont be here for my farewell but you should know that you really do have to come and that you are very important to me.

I met Austyn on the very first day that I moved into Village. I knew instantly that I wanted to be his friend. We were very close for the fist little while and then we kind of drifted apart. Recently-ish we started hanging out again. Austyn is like a brother to me. He means everything to me. I have never felt like he was judging me, even when I was at his apartment in October at 2 in the morning crying my eyes out he just sat there and listened to me. He has always been there for me if I needed anything since August. Austyn is an amazing guy and he deserves the best life. He will be married when I get home from my mission for sure, and all I have to say about that is that she is going to have to be one special lady to be deserving of him. Austyn, I want you to know how much you mean to me and I would do anything for you.

I just recently started hanging out with Brea. We have this strange bond because we are both going on a mission, but I have grown so close to her in such a short amount of time. I feel like I can share anything with her. I know I have said that about all of these people and it is true, but Brea is a special person. I have never heard her say anything negative about anyone. She is seriously one of the nicest people I have ever met. We have the best times when we are together and I know there will never be a time when we are not friends. She lights up from within with the light of the gospel and she is going to kill it as a missionary in Mongolia. I have no doubt that she will change lives because she has already changed mine for the better. Brea, you are an amazing person, and never ever let anyone tell you any different. Your friendship means more to me than you will ever know. I love you!

Okay… so I saved Rachelle for last because this is going to be the longest for sure. I love Rachelle more than I love most people. There are very few people who have made as big of an impact on my life as Ro has. She is crazy, outgoing, loud, and perfect. I don’t understand how anyone could ever dislike her. I live with Ro and I can’t imagine what it would be like had we not been roommates. I would be a completely different person. Sometimes I do things, and I will notice or other people will notice that it is something Rachelle would do. (I am crying at this point by the way.) I never thought that I could become so close to someone in such a short amount of time. I have never met anyone quite like Rachelle. She is a very interesting person and if anyone ever hurt her or even thought about hurting her I would not be very happy… and neither would they. Ro, you should know that I love you sooooo much and you mean more to me than you think you do. You have had kind of a rough time this year and I am so happy that you are happy. You deserve to be happy. You deserve the very best. I would take a bullet for you any day. If you ever need a kidney, just let me know. I don’t know why I am so upset because I am going to see you again, but I just feel so sad. If I had a sister I couldn’t imagine caring about her any more than I care about you.
So I know that this is the cheesiest blog post I have ever written but in all honesty these past 9 months with these people have gone by way to fast. I have made so many more lifetime friends but I know that I will see them more often than I see these people. My life is in Utah now. They say home is where the heart is, and if that is the case then Utah is my home. I would rather be here than anywhere else. I am so incredibly blessed to know these people and I know that they will be my friends forever.


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