Today I said goodbye to one of my best friends. I look at her like a little sister and church definitely
would not have been the same these past few years without her. I am going to miss her so much and I wish her luck this year in her junior year of high school. Junior year is one of the most important years, so make the best of it Sophia. Also, good luck at church!
Isn't she cute? She's single boys! Haha
Tonight was my last night at mutual in the Fort Worth 3rd ward. It was kind of bittersweet for me. Here are all of these awesome people that I have grown up with and it is kind of hard to be leaving some of them behind, but in the same respect I know that we all have to grow up and move on with our lives. I am so excited to make new friends and experience new things.
I still have quite a bit of shopping and packing and cleaning to do, however I am going to Spingtown tomorrow instead to spend time with my awesome cousin Kaitlyn.
My mom's last day of therapy is tomorrow and they are having a pot luck so we made some chicken enchiladas. Which are delicious by the way. The point of this story is that at 11 o'clock at night we realized that we don't have any aluminum foil. So we called Lala and went to her house to get some. Which by the way if you didn't know is only about 5 minutes from my house. So on the way over there we see from a distance what looks to be a dog, but as we come up on it it turns out to be a coyote. It was the cutest coyote I have ever seen, they are usually pretty ugly.
THEN, we were driving and we were seeing all of these big white bags dropped along the road and we saw one a little ways up from our turn so I decided to go look at it. After we passed it I turned on the next street and ended up in the middle of what looked to be a huge fight of some sort. Like really there were about 60 or so scary looking dudes on one side of the street and 40 or so on the other side. They were ripping off their shirts and yelling at each other and here I come around the corner. I kind of slammed on my breaks and didnt know weather I should back up and let them go about their business but I was kind of frozen with fear with all of those angry faces looking at me so I just gunned it. I have honestly never drove 55 mph through a neighborhood before, and I don't plan to ever again, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Needless to say we survived and we got our foil and came home the opposite way of the way we came.
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