So today I said goodbye to my family. My Aunt Kim, Uncle David, Kaitlyn, Brittany, and Hannah. I love them so much.
I spent the day with my cousin Kaitlyn. We went to the state park in Mineral Wells and it was so much fun!
We hiked about a mile and a half down this really rocky trail to this cute little fishing hole and did some fishing. We didn't bring anything home with us but the fish were biting good. We also did a little bit of free climbing, which is rock climbing without ropes and stuff. It was a lot of fun. We always have fun together.
We grew up together. Our moms are best friends and we are super close. No matter how long we go without seeing each other we still pick up right back where we left off and have the best time. I know I could trust her with my life.
It was so beautiful! We plan on going back when I am home for christmas!
Tonight I went over to my grandparents house because the missionaries came over. A tad odd I know. My Lala always asks someone to come over when the Elders come over because she feels awkward around them. She says she doesn't know what to say to them. Any who, they taught a lesson about the plan of salvation. It was a good lesson, and then they left.
Which brings me to my next point, when they went to leave they shook my hand. Okay. Normal right? Yes. Except for why is there not a class in the MTC to teach how to give a proper handshake. Like forreal. If when I shake your hand its like holding a dead fish, you need to work on your handshake. I could go on for hours about this, because it is something that really bothers me.
So until next time Barry family, I love y'all and I will see you at Christmas.
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