There are 10 days until I leave. 10 days. In 10 days I will
be leaving my home of 18 years to head to a brand new place where I don’t know
anybody, and I would be lying if I said I am not nervous. I am not nervous
about being on my own… no; I know I can do that. I am nervous that I won’t make
friends. I know that is ridiculous because I am a pretty friendly person but in
all honesty that is what I am most nervous about.
Sure I am going to miss my family, but I will be able to
talk to them and face time my grandparents… YES they have IPhones and know how
to use it. BTW I am team Android all the way. I will be face timing them on my
MacBook. Anywho they came in to the 21st century earlier this year
and it is the coolest thing ever! So if any of you older folks think that an
iPhone is too complicated, just know that my Lala and Grandpa love it!
Even though I am nervous I am way more excited! I can’t
wait! I went to Orem for spring break in March and I didn’t want to leave. It
is so pretty. I don’t think you understand. Now, we all know how much I love
Texas. Texas is my home, and it doesn’t get any better. Texas sunrises and
sunsets are the most beautiful thing ever… but being surrounded by the
mountains is incredible!
Oh! That reminds me of one more thing I am nervous about. I
am so going to get lost way more than I should. The addresses there are crazy.
For example – 800 South 950 West. No. Not as in latitude and longitude, because
believe me that is what I thought. No. It means the place is located at 800 South 950 West Street. If you are from Fort Worth then relate it to
South Hulen Street, but the street is 950 west. Yeah… way confusing. Please
tell me why streets can’t just have normal names. Also! People give directions based on
direction and by that I mean north,
south, east, and west. If you know me at all then you know I DO NOT know my
directions. Multiple people have told me “ The Mountains are in the west” and I
am like “Okay… That’s great… Except… THE
MOUNTIANS ARE EVERYWHERE! They are literally in your face no matter what
direction you are facing. So thanks for nothing!”
I have a GPS on my phone… but we will see.
I went to dorm room shopping today with my best friend Gabby
and her roommate. She is way nice.
Gabby is on the left and her roommate, Linet, is in the back... Please excuse the fact that you can't tell where my face end and the paper starts.
I still have a lot of shopping and packing and cleaning and saying goodbye to do before I leave. I have a lot of time off next week because I have so much to do. So I wont be doing nothing but I am for sure going to make time to see people before I leave.I want to know who my roommates are already.
We move in in 13 days and I still have no idea who I am going to be living
with. I am assuming that most if not all of them will be LDS.
Let me tell you… well first let me say that I love my
friends here and they are great people, however I just have to say I don’t
think you understand how excited I am to be around people of my faith all the
time. I know that it doesn’t change the fact that there are still temptations
in the world but I feel like it will be easier to do what I should be when I am
surrounded by people that are all striving for the same things that I am.
Plan on seeing a lot of pictures of my trip and move in day
and the first week of school, because we all know that I love to take selfies.
No, but really, I love to take photos and I have a pretty awesome camera so
I am going to do a 7 day count down thingy… well 7 day count
down to the day we leave, and possibly an on the road blog. We will see. I feel
like if I get in the habit of posting on a regular basis now then it will be
way easier later on when I am busy.
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