Thursday, August 8, 2013

My first cliche blog post

Howdy Y’all! I heard that it’s a good idea to write a blog during your college years ( and plus it seems to be the cool thing to do) so here I am. Ready to tell you all about all of what I am sure will be the most general of experiences.
I guess I should first tell you about me, although, if you are reading this you probably already know me.
My Name is Brooke. I am a pretty ordinary person. I am 18 and I will be 19 on October 11th. I am about to start my freshman year at Utah Valley University and I will be majoring in Communications with a minor in Spanish. I like to hang out and have a good time. I love my family and my friends. I don’t have a lot of friends, mainly because I have issues with stupidity, and where I am from there seems to be a plethora of that. 
I do love people though. I like to be around people. If you aren’t stupid then your presence makes me happy, and who doesn’t like to be happy?

Some fun facts about me:

1) My favorite food is Jalapeño
I know it is a little weird but they are just so delicous.

2) I don’t like feet. Even my own. Feet are gross.
Please, just don't put them near me. I really do get sick to my stomach.

3) I have an awesome personality, or so I’ve been told.
Okay, so this one isn't really something I think about myself, but everyone says I could make anybody laugh and I am really fun to be around. So I mean I guess you will have to judge for yourself. 

4) I am a country girl that lives in the city.
I have the accent. I would so much rather be on the back of a horse in the middle of no where, but I live in the city, and I must admit I do love the connivence that it provides. I mean common, the mall.

5) I love animals. If I could, I would bring home every stray.
It is so sad. Every day I see an animal that I want to stop and pick up and bring home or help it find its home. I just feel so bad for them. They didn't do anything to deserve that. 

6) I am really blunt. No but really.
I really am. I frequently offend people. Not that I mean to, but it just comes out. Most of the time I don't even notice I am doing it, but sometimes people just need to hear the cold hard truth. So if I offend you, please know that was not my intention. 

7) I speak well, however when I have to speak publicly I nearly black out.
I speak well, and that is because I studied news in high school, and was on a live cable show twice a week. If I am in front of a camera I speak well, I write pretty well too, but the second you put me in front of a large group of people I instantly feel sick.

8) I am very judgmental.
I know, I know, and I am working on it. Really, I am, but chances are if I have ever seen or met you I have passed judgement on you without even thinking about it. Its wrong and like I said I am working on it, but it does happen every day.

9) I love shoes.
It is a problem how much I love shoes. I have a ton of them, and yes I wear them all. I really, really, really, really, REALLY love shoes!

10) I Love milk! 
Not the chocolate kind or strawberry kind, although those are great as well, but just plain old skim milk. Not whole milk, or 2%. You can taste the butter fat in them.. EWW.

11) I have had 21 spinal taps in  my life.
Yes, you did read that right. 21. I haven't had one in over a year, but it has gotten to the point where they don't even hurt anymore. I have pseudo tumor cerebri. Google it. 

12) I hate the cold.
I really do, but lets be honest here. I am going to complain about the weather no matter if it is hot or cold, or rain or snow. The only time I am really happy with the weather is in the fall. 

13) I don’t drink soda.
It doesn't really appeal to me. I haven't had soda in almost a year. Actually, no, I had a small drink of some homemade root beer the other day and I got really sick. So... I don't plan on drinking soda again any time soon. 

14) There are a lot of foods that I don’t like. 
Including spaghetti. I am just a very picky eater. I like to eat healthy, and I don't like a lot of grease. Nor do I like tomatoes, or unmelted american cheese, along with countless other things. 

15) I tend to quote movies frequently.
Finding Nemo is one of the most frequent. Pitch Perfect is also up there. I am a big movie fan, and there are a lot of life situations that movie quotes can apply to. OHH OHH OHH, Mean Girls is for sure the number one quoted movie.

16) I am easily distracted.
Its really bad. I can be doing one thing and then if I even think about something else or someone talks to me, I completely forget what I was doing in the first place. 

17) I am a procrastinating perfectionist.
I wait until the last minute to do everything, but when I do it I freak out until it is perfect. Like a project. I will wait till the night before it is due but I will stay up to make sure that it is perfect. 

18) I cant sing. 
Well I mean I can, but you probably wouldn’t like to hear it. It’s a painful sound.

19) I love the smell of gasoline.
Judge me. 

20) I have a bad habit of starting projects or DIYs and never finishing them.
There are probably 20 unfinished DIY projects sitting in my room or around my house and even at my grandparents house that I got a wild hair to start but never ended up finishing. 

Well that is enough about me for now. I am pretty sure all that a blog is, is me writing about me. That could get pretty boring, so I guess I will have to do a bunch of crazy things so that y'all will have something interesting to read. 

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