Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Little Bit of A Lot

The other day someone said to me “You blog way too much” and while I was tempted to respond and start yelling at this person, I thought about it for a little while. I just thought “Do I blog too much?” but then I realized, I don’t blog for people other than me. I blog for myself, and then I share the link on facebook so that people who want to read what I have to say can.
I enjoy writing, and I enjoy being able to get my thoughts, opinions, and feelings into the known world. And lets be honest, I have a lot of thoughts and opinions. I am a very opinionated person and almost any topic I have a rather strong opinion on it. How do people who don’t blog express their feelings to the general public?

Today I want to talk about people getting the wrong impression. This is something that I run into on a regular basis. Whether it be someone thinking I don’t like them, or a guy thinking that I am into him… it happens more than it should, and I have recently taken a poll amongst oh… 5 or so other people and it seems to happen to them as well. So I thought that I would address it. And the title is because I have a lot more in my mind about this topic than I will actually write down. 
Sometimes people assume things. They think that they know how a person feels and their intentions when in reality they have no idea. I do it too. We all do.
For example, at the beginning of last semester I met this really sweet girl, but I didn’t know how nice she was, I thought that she didn’t like me because every time I was around she would leave or go off in a corner by herself, and I really wanted to be her friend. However, I learned later after talking to her for a while that she just gets uncomfortable around large groups of people. It just so happens that every time I was around her so were multiple other people. She didn’t not like me, she was just being herself. Now, I know what a sweet, nice, caring person she is.
Oh, I have a wonderful example(or 2 or 3) of guys thinking that I like them when I don’t. If you know me well at all then you know that I don’t really give a flying flip what people think about me. I don’t really try to impress guys and I am just myself around them. I also am a very flirty person by nature. It’s not my fault. I can’t help it. Just because I flirt with you does not mean I am into you. Also, I really like being a friendly person, so if I make an effort to be your friend don’t take it the wrong way. I like having friends of the male gender because girls are too much for me. If I ask you to hang out, or I text you just to say “hey!” don’t be afraid. You probably just crossed my mind and I thought I should say hello. Oh my heavens, snapchat. If I snapchat you a lot… seriously, I have a goal of getting to 20,000 and right now I am at almost 9,000. You are a part of that plan. Plus I send some pretty good snapchats if I do say so myself. If you don’t like it then don’t snap back.
I have said this before and I will say it again, I make no huge efforts in impressing a guy. If I am into you, you will know, mostly because I will tell you. Don’t flatter yourself, and if you do make that mistake and you decide to stop talking to me please don’t be awkward when I run into you in public. We live in a fairly small city so the likelihood of us seeing each other is more than it is in say Fort Worth, TX. Don’t be awkward because honestly I couldn’t care less. You are the one who is missing out. I would love to be friends with everyone, but if you choose otherwise then there is nothing I can do about that and I won’t let it get to me.
Another example would be Paisley. My beautiful roommate and one of my best friends. People always say that she has a mean face. People always think that she doesn't like them. Even tonight this guy said that she always looks like she is mean mugging people. Paisley is seriously one of the friendliest people I know. She is on the welcoming and FRIENDSHIP committee for goodness sakes. She does not hate you, I promise, that is just her face. 
Oh, I have another good one, at the begenning of this semester I met this girl. I instantly wanted to be her friend, and she made an effort. She made more of an effort than I ever do in friendships. I was glad that she wanted to be my friend, however I didn't know how to be that enthuastic about a friendship, and to be honest I still don't. So it came off as if I was annoyed with her. I feel terrible that she thought I didn't like her. I like most people. You have to do something pretty stupid for me to actually not like you. There may be people who irritate me on a regular basis but I still enjoy being friends with those people. I used to have a ginormous problem with judging people and I still do a little bit, but it has gotten a lot better and part of the reason for that is because I try to like everyone and be friends with them. If you think I don't like you then you are probably wrong. There are honestly only 2 people that I can think of that just get under my skin and I could never be friends with them, because they are the kind of people who enjoy hurting others, and neither of them live in Utah so no worries. 
So the moral of these stories is that one should never assume that they know what another person is thinking, because you are probably wrong, and that can make things a whole lot more complicated than they need to be. Life isn’t complicated, but it can be if you make it that way.  

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