Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Birthday Weekend

So it has been a while since I last wrote a real blog. I have had a lot going on. It was my birthday on October 11th. I turned 19 woop woop!
It was one of the best birthdays ever! I have made the best friends ever! I woke up to the whole apartment decorated and breakfast. There are still balloons EVERYWHERE! Then we went to Freebirds. There is only one in the state of Utah and it just opened. It is in Taylorsville which is like 30 minutes from here, but if you have been to Freebirds then I am sure you understand exactly how worth it the drive it.
Anywho, we went to Freebirds and then we came back home and then we went to hang time. We won free tickets at  FHE a last Monday so we didn’t have to pay which was way cool.
Rachelle had to be in Nephi for a thing because she is Ms. Nephi and Sam was in St. George with her family so we went with Paisley, Kaitlyn, Austyn, and Bryce. I love them all so much. They are seriously some of my best friends.
When we came back from Freebirds before we left for hang time I got a gift from my momma. It was an edible arrangement. I have seriously always wanted one of those things. I think that they are the coolest things ever! My mom and dad are the best! I love them soooo much!
When we came home Paisley and I decided that we were going to make treats and deliver them to our friends and some random people to try and make new friends so we had to go to Wal-Mart.
We were gone for about 45 minutes and when we got back Bryce and Kaitlyn were making me some birthday cupcakes. They turned out disastrous. I mean they tried… and they were delicious but I have never seen such a mess from making/eating cupcakes in my life. It was literally all over the floor and I had to eat it over the trashcan so I wouldn’t get it all over my clothes. Again, I seriously have the best friends.
So Bryce and Kaitlyn left and went on a date thingy and Paisley and I made treats and took them to people. We did end up making 2 new friends so that is a plus.
On Saturday we didn’t really do much, which was nice. I mean of course once it was night time we went to Subway for dinner because Rachelle was working and there is this gross guy who is a creep who works with her so we just went to mess with him. Kaitlyn literally asked this guy to cut a tomato slice in half because she only wanted half of it.  HAHA it was super funny.
Then we went home and made some chocolate covered strawberries with our friend Cluff. He’s pretty cool…. But actually he didn’t really help make them now that I think about it… he just ate them. Paisley and my home teachers live in the same apartment so we took them a plate of strawberries and then we took some to our new friends we had made the night before. We also took a few to our friends Aaron and Spencer and Tyler and ended up watching an episode of psych with them. Well like half of an episode.  I have never seen that show before, it was funny but I for sure couldn’t watch that much of it. It’s not as great as everyone led me to believe.
When we came home we watched Vampire Diaries, we are starting with the first season on Netflix and working our way to the new episodes. We really don’t watch that much TV, and I only say that because it seems that we watched a ton on Saturday. 
Sunday was an awesome day as well. Sunday is always my favorite day of the week. I love going to church, and everything else that goes along with Sunday. We went to church (obviously) and in sacrament meeting they were doing sustainings. I got a calling as a member of the Relief Society Activities Committee. There were like almost 40 sustainings yesterday so we all had to stand for what seemed like ever.
After sacrament meeting there was a much and mingle, and it was spaghetti. They did have white sauce though so that was good. I ate it because it was free food and it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. If you didn’t already know, I am not a fan of spaghetti. There was also some delicious garlic bread. I know how bad bread is for me and I have been doing really well but that bread was just too good. I ate way too much of it. Then we came home and I took a like 3 hour nap, and it was beautiful. Then I woke up and went to stake choir practice, and that sucked. I can’t sing. I don’t know how to follow an alto part, I don’t belong in a choir, much less a stake choir with a director who I guess thinks we are MOTAB. So I am never going back. We made dinner like we do every Sunday and our window neighbors Tommy and Stockton came over to eat. We made BBQ pockets and it was so weird because nobody had ever had them before. Everybody thought they were delicious though. Which is always a plus when people think your cooking is good. I want to make chicken n dumplings sometime this winter but that takes a long time and I have never done it all by myself before. I mean I usually cook at home but my pop knows how to make that. I do the dumplings and he does everything else. I guess I will just have to figure it out. 
So all in all it was an awesome Birthday weekend, especially since we conveniently had fall break on my birthday.

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