Saturday, September 28, 2013

Not very interesting

Right now I am procrastinating. I have 3 papers to write and a book to read. Yeah... I don't want to do that right now. It is kind of a lazy Saturday, and its the first one that I have had. Also, I need to do some serious winter shopping. It is getting cold. I mean its not unbearable or anything yet but it will be really soon. You know something? People like to say that Texas doesn't have a fall, but let me tell you, it went from 80s and 90s one day to the mountains being covered in snow already in a matter of literally less than 24 hours. Seriously, I went to bed and it was warm, and I woke up and it was cold and there is snow on the mountains. Now, I know that it is colder up there in the mountains than it is down here, however it is still cold. It was in the 30s this morning and people are all like "Oh my goodness I love fall!" um no. It is winter. There apparently is no fall here. Don't get me wrong, I love it here and I don't ever plan on moving back to Texas unless thats where I find a job or my husband has to move there. Texas is by far the best state in the country but I have never been happier in my life than I am here. I am surrounded by people who share my same standards and who love me for me. I miss my family like crazy, but I know that this is where I am supposed to be. 
Okay, so the song Same Love by Macklemore just came on. I love that song. I may not agree with the things that he says in the song, but I love it so much. My views on gay marriage are a little different than most peoples, I think. For me its just like, okay, I don't by any means agree with it, I think its wrong, and forgive me but I think its gross. However, it is not my place to judge people. Everyone sins,  and we all sin differently. A sin is a sin. Just because someone sins differently than me doesn't give me room to judge them for it. I know that I want to be happy and I think that every person has a right to be happy. Let gay people do what makes them happy and leave the judgement to God on judgement day. Matthew 7 says Judge not, that ye be not judged. I am a Christian and being a christian means that I am supposed to love everybody. I will not be a hypocrite and call someone else out on their sins, because the Lord knows that I am by all means not perfect. Okay, Im done. 
Anywho, this isn't going to be a very long post. Mainly because I don't really have a lot to say but also because I am about to go attempt to read that book. UGH!

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